Thank you so much for sharing, May. I can so relate to your journey.
A few years ago when I was in the midst of disordered eating and binge eating, I came across veganism as the next weight loss diet. It wasn't so much about the animals as it was about the number on the scale, and before I knew it, eating vegan equalled being "on the wagon" and whenever I'd accidentally (or not so accidentally) ate animal products I was "off the wagon" and binging.
I went back to eating meat for a while, and then in recent years did a lot of work to heal my relationship with food and weight. Interestingly, when I started to eat more intuitively, I just felt like eating more plant-based. But this time around, it wasn't a mental decision, I just let my body guide me. It's night and day compared to a few years ago!
I applaud you for following what feels best for you and your mental health!